
All surgeries are by appointment only and separate appointments must be made for each person attending. We want you to be able to see the doctor of your choice, but this is not always available, particularly if you need an urgent appointment. This maybe because your doctor is away or already fully booked.

If your need to see the doctor is urgent, every attempt will be made to accommodate you on the same day, but this may not be with your usual doctor. 

Appointments can be made on-line, by telephone or by presenting in person. If you wish to use the on-line booking facility please ask a member of the reception staff for details of how to register for this service.

If you cannot keep an appointment please contact us to cancel this which will enable us to reallocate the appointment. 

If you require a telephone consultation you can ring the surgery where your details will be taken down and the doctor will ring you back.  A chaperone is available on request.

Extended Access Appointments 

We now offer appointments with both GPs and Nurses outside of our normal core opening hours seven days a week. If you wish to book into one of these appointments please advise reception staff when requesting an appointment. More details of Extended Access hours can be found on the front page.

Please telephone 024 76394766.

Online Consult

Book a Blood Test

Booking a blood test andNuneatonTown CentreBloodClinic. CentralNuneaton– Newtown Centre, Newtown Rd, CV11 4HG:

Please collect your form from your GP Surgery

Go online and create an account

Book your blood test, in the right place, at the right time via Swiftqueue.

Example of Booking via Swiftqueue

All surgeries are by appointment only and separate appointments must be made for each person attending. We want you to be able to see the doctor of your choice, but this is not always available, particularly if you need an urgent appointment. This maybe because your doctor is away or already fully booked.

If your need to see the doctor is urgent, every attempt will be made to accommodate you on the same day, but this may not be with your usual doctor. 

Appointments can be made on-line, by telephone or by presenting in person. If you wish to use the on-line booking facility please ask a member of the reception staff for details of how to register for this service.

If you cannot keep an appointment please contact us to cancel this which will enable us to reallocate the appointment. 

If you require a telephone consultation you can ring the surgery where your details will be taken down and the doctor will ring you back.  A chaperone is available on request.

Extended Access Appointments 

We now offer appointments with both GPs and Nurses outside of our normal core opening hours seven days a week. If you wish to book into one of these appointments please advise reception staff when requesting an appointment. More details of Extended Access hours can be found on the front page.

Please telephone 024 76394766.

Online Consult

Book a Blood Test

Booking a blood test andNuneatonTown CentreBloodClinic. CentralNuneaton– Newtown Centre, Newtown Rd, CV11 4HG:

Please collect your form from your GP Surgery

Go online and create an account

Book your blood test, in the right place, at the right time via Swiftqueue.

Example of Booking via Swiftqueue